what i am doing now...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

six months

It's been six months since I worked in my office, six months always been the point in my career where I start thinking about resign. Last year, I decided to resign on the sixth's month work period at my previous office, and now the symtomps has rised again..............
Is six my bad luck number? or is it because six six six is Devil sign? i have no idea.......
Bad things always happen at my work at my 6th months, last year i have trouble with my PM and just like de javu it happen again this year at my 6th months, and the question rises in my mind, will i decide to quit my job?
If i quit my job, i probably would experience same thing after i resigned last year, being unemploynment, bored, and desperate.
I spent 3 months being desperate job seeker after i quit my previous job, and i don't want to experience that profession again :-p
Now, when i'm trying to survive from my six months torture @ office, problems just come against me, testing my patience.
I hope six is not a bad luck number for my career, and now i'm trying to hold on tight on my patience, HOLD ON......


wongacid said...

six for the maturity, cheers....

Norman said...

6 mo. visitek,
6 mo. fujitsu?